Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Slipper Socks for Christmas

Today is the gift exchange at the preschool where I teach music once a week and I was included which is a very nice feeling when you only see your co-workers once a week. The person who I had to get a gift for likes purple and wants things in a vanilla or lavender scent. I am planning on getting some smelly cream or lotion to go with these footie socks which I knit the other day using a pattern from Ravelry.

The top photo is a cute little elf footie I am working on for a very precious little cutie who I got to babysit for the other day! Hopefully she can wear them on Christmas and be our little elf!

Both projects were done with Homespun by Lion Brand, the bigger footie has a light celery green trim and I am sad to say I have no idea where it's from or even what it is. It was given to me by a friend of a friend.

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