Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Gift from Kendra!

My friend Kendra is a gifted knitter and this year she graced me with a hand knit delight for part of my Christmas gift. Actually it is more than delightful if you count the hand made stick pins she made to accompany this cupcake pin cushion. I am only a little concerned that the deliciousness of the toppers will entice some tiny human into taking a bite someday.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Knit Picks

So, I am gearing up for the ISE7 here at the Tiki Lodge and just bought an armful of yarn at Knit Picks to use! I also purchased some cotton which is going to become that sweet wavy afghan I posted about months ago but probably smaller for yet another baby someone I know is having.

I have never used Knit Picks but have been looking there for a while. They seem to have some very good deals on higher end yarn. I will make sure and post a review of the yarn and the customer service so if you've been riding the fence you can make an informed decision about buying yarn online.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Slipper Socks for Christmas

Today is the gift exchange at the preschool where I teach music once a week and I was included which is a very nice feeling when you only see your co-workers once a week. The person who I had to get a gift for likes purple and wants things in a vanilla or lavender scent. I am planning on getting some smelly cream or lotion to go with these footie socks which I knit the other day using a pattern from Ravelry.

The top photo is a cute little elf footie I am working on for a very precious little cutie who I got to babysit for the other day! Hopefully she can wear them on Christmas and be our little elf!

Both projects were done with Homespun by Lion Brand, the bigger footie has a light celery green trim and I am sad to say I have no idea where it's from or even what it is. It was given to me by a friend of a friend.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Third Hat and the Reason I've Been Quiet

I knit another hat for my dad and finished it just in time to give it to him for an early Christmas present. We celebrated Christmas while home for Thanksgiving. My dad loved his hat and wore it almost immediately after receiving it. Here he is with my mom at Macy's in Chicago in front of the giant Christmas tree in the walnut room.

I knit this one in Cascade 220 black and another 220 that was sort of greenishbrown. (yes that's one word sillies)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

This is the hat I knit for my brother as a Christmas gift. I am really happy with the bright rainbow of colors! He actually asked for such a bright hat to go with his snowboarding coat. I have another hat on the needles, this one is for my dad. It is not as bright:)

This hat is done in Cascade 220 Black and Red Heart and Sole sock yarn.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

It is Finished!

I finished the hat! I am quite sure that the gentleman who gets this one will like it!

I even started a new one!


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Students First Project.

Maureen is done with her first project and I think she did a splendid job! We are calling this her leaf button dishrag!
Isn't it cute!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Holiday Knitting

It's that time of year when I start knitting dishrags furiously!

I have three down. Many more to go!

Knit One, Save One 2008 Results

Thanks to everyone who came. Those on that list include: Kelly, Aly and Heather! I hope we can do it again since none of us finished our hats. Here is a pic from the event! I knit one hat as a test the night before and I"m including a picture of that as well!

At the event, we were talking about how much we enjoyed getting together for this event and I am thinking about setting up a crafting circle once a month. Wayward was a great place for this event and it seems like they are open to having crafters come in and use their big table!

Monday, November 10, 2008

New Hat on the Needles!

Remember way back at the beginning, I wanted to knit this hat?

Well, I started it over the weekend, along with painting our bathroom. I was nervous because this hat is not going to be for anyone in my family, I actually finagled my boss into having it made for her husband Jason as a Christmas Gift. Thanks Maureen! (she is also my knitting student)(sneaky hey)
It's coming along nicely although I cheated a little and started it on straight needles because I kept twisting it at the join. If someone has a good plan for avoiding that please let me know!

I am using Lion Brand Wool Ease in Oxford Grey and Paton's Kroy Sock Yarn in Bronzed Berry Stripes. Although this hat is for a boy, I"m getting a little excited each time I see a faint purple hue that shows up in the stripe. Just don't tell Jason:)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

New Student

I have a knitting student. She had her first lesson at the Mongolian Grill today. She is left handed but does sewing right handed so she is learning in the traditional right handed method. She did great for her first try AND didn't scream and throw the yarn, which is world better than some students I've had...

Right now she is working with olive green kitchen cotton on a dishrag. Happy Knitting Maureen!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Still Knitting

I am still working on the garter stitch garter kimono. It is a fun and easy project to pick up when I have a few spare minutes. I have to confess that this week I did much more sewing than yarn crafting. I am still excited about the Knit One, Save One project though and hope that you are all gearing up to knit or crochet the best baby hat you can! If you can't make it to the event on November 15 you could always sent your hat to Save the Children or here to the Tiki lodge where I will put with the others to be sent in. Of course if you live far far away, you could host your own event and get even more cute little baby heads covered in warm handcrafted hats!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Knit One, Save One

In a round about way I found out today about a program through Save the Children which sounds very interesting to knitters and crocheters. It is called Knit One, Save One and involves knitting or crocheting a hat for a newborn in a developing country. If you are in the Seattle area and knit or crochet, please join me on November 15th at 3pm location TBA to make a hat that could help a newborn survive. There are specific patterns we are asked to follow when making the hats you can download the patterns from Save the Children OR ask me, I already did the dirty work and downloaded the patterns. If you know others who would be interested, invite them to join us!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Something I really want to knit!!!

The Juliet...

It comes in a 3x!! How cool is that!

I'm following a new blog, I've posted a link to knittinglikecrazy on my sidebar. Please take a look at her wonderful creations!

Monday, October 27, 2008

A beginning

We have started our adoption paperwork and as you can guess I am a little baby crazy right now. In the past I have made some things for other people's babies, and I decided I want to try to make a few things for our own baby. Soooo, I started this cute little kimono sweater in Patton's Decor.

As you can see, it's a varigated yarn with mostly neutral colors. If we have a girl, I"ll make the ties out of ribbon, if it's a boy, I will make them out of the yarn. I think I can also trim it with some ribbon to make it a bit more girly. I will be making more of these because they are pretty easy. My friend Kendra is doing one in Bernat Baby Jaquard. After looking on the website at some of that Jaquard, I may have to follow suit!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Knitting Indecision

Do you ever have those times when you want to knit but seriously don't know what to start. You desperately search the web for free patterns and ideas on ravelry, you even cast on a few stitches here and there only to pull them out frustrated.

I am having that kind of knitting life.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Skully Dishcloth

I found this skully dishcloth on (it's a pretty cool website). They made theirs in bright green, I did not have green but thought the varigated black and white might be cool. I'm not sure what to think right now but it's growing on me. The skull is very subtle...

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Here is the sweet
little baby sweater I knit over the summer. I finally finished by clipping threads and fixing one little teeny mistake yesterday.

I found the pattern at Walmart in Miles City, MT while driving through to WI. A funny side note to that, the lady who rang me up was around my age, but said she didn't know anybody her own age who would actually knit. I found that interesting. I would assume in a small town, that most womenfolk would knit. I guess I was mistaken. Here in Seattle though, I know lots of ladies my own age who knit and crochet and some who even sew.

The pattern is knit in four pieces and sewn together. The sleeves are raglan which was easier than I expected. I used Bernat satin in Denim and Heather. It's funny because I have been straying away from the acrylic yarn, however, this was very soft and warm, perfect for a baby sweater. I would suggest this pattern to anybody looking to break out of doing scarves and dishclothes. I am proud to say I now know how to knit more than just those two items and know you can do it too!
Here are two more shots of the cuff edging and the joining of the raglan sleeve.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

I just realized, I have not posted in this blog for almost a month. Very sad, I do have a project I should finish today. It is a baby sweater for a very cute baby that lives all the way in MA. Maybe I will finish it and post some pictures this weekend.

It's not like I haven't been busy though people, I've had two gigs and started back to school. Sadly, my pledge to knit for an hour unhindered by television or other house chores has been put on the back burner. Now that it's a little colder and the nights are a little darker though maybe I'll get back to it.

Now, off to bake bread, we are almost out and that would not be a good thing!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Knitting Fun

Don't we all feel this way sometimes....??

Friday, September 12, 2008

A few Weeks into An hour a day.

This week folks, I did not knit an hour a day. I barely knit an hour at all...although I did start and get pretty far on a new zigzag scarf this weekend. I also worked on it while we spent time at Mr. Spot's chai house in Ballard on thursday night passing time at open mic.

I will post pictures later today. It seems to be a bad habit of mine to not take pictures of my current projects. Bad me...

Monday, September 8, 2008

How this blog got it's name...

One day at work, we were discussing possibilities for the gift shop space. (I work at a hotel south of Seattle) I jokingly mentioned that I wanted to open a yarn shop and of course we got off track brainstorming names for our hotel's new yarn/coffee/gift shop. My boss Maureen, a very wise woman said "Knit Kat's Knits" which had a certain ring to it. It made me have shivers just hearing such a great name. So, I decided a few days later to start a knitting blog and use Maureen's suggestion in her honor!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

One Hour Challenge

I made some goals last week on my 32nd birthday, most of which do not pertain to a knitting blog. I did manage to make some goals regarding crafting which I write for you here:

1. Knit a sweater that I can wear.
2. Finish any projects that I start this year.

I have been thinking of a way to fit these goals in. I think one way to finish projects I start is not to start a lot of extra frivolous projects. (like the socks I started yesterday) Another way to reach this goal is to devote a certain amount of time each day to knitting. How much time would you be willing to sit down and knit? I work, and go to school, but I have time right?

So, I"m going to do it. I'm going to sit down and knit for 1 full hour a day. In addition, I"m going to blog about it. At least for the first week.

Cheers, Alsie

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Wave blanket

Can you tell this blog is really becoming a place I can put links to thinks I want to knit?

Behold the wave blanket...from whip up!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Something I May Knit in the Near Future


This hat is cute!...

I need some self striping yarn!

I found this from Whip Up...One of my favorite crafty idea blogs!

How I Came to be a Knitter...

In the 6th grade, girls in my school were required to take home economics. A course taught by a woman I knew from my church. She was and still is a farmers wife and mother a career woman and sometimes a Sunday school teacher.

Mrs. Holloway taught us many handy crafty things like how to can tomatoes , make granola and properly measure wet and dry ingredients. In the fall, she brought in grapes from her own grape arbor and we went through the process of canning grape juice and closer to the holidays helped us make grape jelly to give to our parents and teachers for Christmas gifts.

She taught us how to plan a meal for a family of four (a skill which I have mastered, which means I make WAY to much food for the two people living at the Tiki Lodge). One day, she drove us all to the Ben Franklin and helped us pick out fabric to make our very own aprons without a pattern. Much to her dismay, I chose a hawiian print that was assorted neon colored leaves on a black background. She even let me design my own straps which were a criss style instead of tying in the back.

With all this wonderful education, you would think that I would have LOVED this woman and the class however, being a moody sixth grader at the time I was NOT a model student or very kind to Mrs. Holloway. Poking fun at her home made clothes and her spirit of ingenuity. I remember scoffing when she brought in a full lined suit (very sixties mod) that she had made in preparation for her son's wedding. She didn't let our snickers damage her pride or her lesson for that day and explained how she had only been able to make such a great looking garment because she had made the whole suit in muslin before. A lesson to never cut your expensive fabric until you had worked out the pattern first. (something I wish I would do more often when sewing)

One fateful day, Mrs. Holloway gave us a choice, learn to knit a dish rag or make a very ugly fabric basket. Only two of us chose the knitting and in turn our teacher sent us home with a list of items to purchase: 1 skein of sugar and cream kitchen cotton, 1 pair of size 8 needles and an empty coffee can with a hole cut in the plastic lid. My mom added to that list, a set of needle covers and let me pick out two skeins of kitchen cotton. (hurray for my first stash!!!)

I honestly cannot remember exactly how Mrs. Holloway taught us, but I do remember my yarn was peach and cream variegated and at one point the yarn got knotted up pretty badly and got stuck in the coffee can. For a time, knitting was a passion and I remember even taking my knitting on a trip to visit my grandparents in Texas and getting a thrill as I was able to knit without looking in the car therefore saving myself from carsickness.

I got a B on my dishcloth which by the way was the standard mason dixon pattern that starts out as 4 stitches, turns into a triangle of forty stitches and after decreasing makes a square rag with a delightful border of holes around the edge. I can remember the start of the pattern to me it's like riding a bike. Cast on 4, rows 1 and 2 knit, row 3 knit two yo knit to end. Repeat until you have forty stitches on the needle then begin the decrease knit 1, knit two together yo knit to end of the row repeat until there are four stitches left, cast off. Weave in the ends and give to a friend.

I have given up on the coffee can business, although truthfully sometimes I still have a problem with knots. I know now that Mrs. Holloway was a strong woman, teaching a classroom of junior high girls terrifies me but I hope that someday I will be as strong in character as she is. Until then, I"ll make sure to always use a knife to get the excess flour off a measuring cup and weave in my ends BEFORE cutting them.

Next up....How I became a born again knitter.....

Sunday, August 3, 2008

First Post

Here at Knit Kat, I am so excited to launch a blog just for my knitting projects and finds. I hope that I can fill this blog with the excitement and thrill I get from knitting, shopping for yarn, discovering new and fun patterns AND having way to much yarn stashed away for a rainy day.

Wishing you much fun and no knot's.